Car Keys

Broken remote? In need of a spare?

Modern car keys can be great when they work, but when they don't, it can leave you pulling your hair out. We can help.

We do most makes and models of cars,




Non remote cloning

ECU Remapping

OBD, Bench or Boot

If you feel the car needs a bit more power or want to try and get more miles from the tank, we can help. We even deal with EGR or DPF issues.

I'm an authorised SLT Remapping dealer, based in Sheffield who have an in house dyno. This means that all mapping for your car is custom to your needs.



Engine light on? Airbag light stuck on?

Nothing is worse than having an engine light or service light stuck on.

 Let us help you.  We use use simple terms to ensure that technical jargon doesn't leave you over paying for a simple service.

Service Light on

Airbag Light on

Car doesn't pull right 

Diagnostics can help to aid and determine what is wrong. We don't replace any parts unless we have to.


Other Services

Domestic Keys Cutting

TMPS Faults Cleared

Lishi Entry Tools

Non-destructive Auto Entry